Usually I go grocery shopping after work (the Queen's Quay Loblaws is right beside the Star), and give Heather a call to decide what we're having for dinner. If Heather doesn't want something that night, she'll say e.g. "
hmm, I'm not in a steak mood". I was picking out a cheese to have with a baguette before dinner, so I asked if Heather if she wanted gouda. Of course she answered "
I'm not in a gouda mood" which I found funny for the next few hours.
We won our Ultimate game 33-8 yesterday. The other team wasn't that good, and we played good fundamentally. A lot of short passes, and our junk d was pretty good. (Junk d is when we're on defense and there's someone assigned to take the first guy cutting in, and everyone else switches off). My timing is back on catching which is good.
After we went to Fionn MacCool's for a quick drink and a game of
Wizard. It's hard to believe that the last few weeks we sat on the patio, and yesterday it was only 3C or so.
Oh yah, I registered my name as a web address! Right now it's just pointing to this blog, but at some point in the future if I'm running a consulting company or whatever, at least I'll have my name as a website. The cost of registering a name has really come down compared to a few years ago -- it's only about $10 a year now.
Even more restaurants and shops have opened up in Leslieville. There's a Thai restaurant (one of the few chains on Queen E) opening next to Tomi Kro, a knitting store opening soon near Jones, and a couple others I forget.
We tried to eat at Tomi Kro's a couple weeks ago with Chris and Roseanne, but couldn't get in. Chris and Roseanne couldn't make it to the wedding because of Chris' health, so we got together for dinner. I called on a Thursday to reserve for Saturday but they were fully booked already! (This is after they've doubled the size of the restaurant!) It looks like they're expanding again, possibly to the location on their east. It's now painted the same colours and the renovations inside seems very similar. ...We ended up at Baldini's, which was really good as usual.
We wrote and mailed out our thank-you cards for the wedding. That took quite a bit of time. We created our own stamps at which turned out pretty good, and are only twice the cost of a regular stamp. Although it was odd to see ourselves on a stamp. I think more people would create their own stamps if they knew about it.
We tried a new
recipe from the LCBO website last week that was really good, roasted sea bass with braised lentils and aioli. We had it again last night. I made my own aioli from
scratch, which is actually quite easy. Although, I didn't know what aioli was until this recipe.
Went to Doaner's last Saturday. Heather's been on a roll and so stayed home to work. Last time I saw Doaner was at the wedding when he was (accidentally) running off with my car key. Jenn and Doaner are now moved in together! She's spruced up the place, it now has plants and other knick knacks.
Wonderboy now has a digital media subcommittee. Roach's brother (Roach Jr) has put together the start of the website. The more obvious websites were already taken, so we've registered Hopefully it will be done before next Wonderboy.
Almost forgot, some of the web guys at work started up a little contest. You have to put up a web page, whose primary use is to echo the user's IP address. The winner is the web page with the most hits from outside Ontario. Please visit my
site if you are! It's also a useful site if, say, you're lost somewhere in the world and stumble into an internet cafe -- you can find out where you are.
Well I should go start dinner before it gets too late. I have hockey at 9:30, which is too late to eat after.