Along the Danforth we stopped into a few shops. There's a cool kitchen place on the Danforth near Carlaw (IQ Living), where we bought a replacement for our automatic soap dispenser. I had bought a cheap one last year from Kitchen Stuff Plus, but it was cheaply made. The new one from simplehuman works great. Trishia and Maricar both have the same one. Now we just have to get dish soap that matches the kitchen (we currently have a green Palmolive soap).
Last week we checked out the new McCleary Playground on McGee St near Queen. They've done a great job in designing the park, and re-using the old tree that had to be cut done because it had Dutch elm disease. Here's a pic of Heather and me regally holding court:
We finally decided to try out the self-cleaning feature on our oven on the weekend. Based on the warnings in the manual, Heather was expecting huge flames and smoke to appear (part of the "normal cleaning process"). Instead, there was just a bit of a smell. It was all rather easy.
I have officially decided not to return to The Roy. I went there with my Ultimate team on Sunday, around 4pm. They don't allow sports on the TV, so no NFL football. It wasn't that so much as the attitude that the owners felt that they knew what was better for the bar, and not the customers. I guess it's their right to run their bar as they want to, but it'll be without me as a customer (which maybe is the intent, to not target my demographic).
Well I should start getting ready for bed.
I think Eric looks very regal, indeed, in this picture! All hail, King Eric :)