Thursday, July 02, 2009

I framed in the fence yesterday. Here's a pic from the office window:

If it doesn't rain this weekend, I'll put up the fence boards.

We decided to stain the fence a darker colour, so that it contrasts with the deck and flagstone. Both the deck and flagstone are / will fade to a washed-out grey / beige, which is what we wanted. However we thought it would look too dull if the fence was also faded. The Home Depot folks said I need to wait till next season to stain the fence, to give the pressure-treated wood a chance to dry out.

We dropped into The Ceili Cottage a few days ago to check it out. It has one of the better street-side patios in Leslieville (on my list, Strat's and B-Side are one and two). The inside has warm ambience -- whoever designed it did a great job. It feels like the place has been there for a hundred years (unlike The Roy which looks too forced). Tried a few things from the menu (they'd only been open for less than a week and didn't have everything yet).

Came up with a new standard joke, to be used on all statutory holidays "I need a holiday, stat".

Anyways I should get ready for hockey. We have a late game tonight, 10:30pm.

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