The flowers and plants in our front yard grew like weeds while we were gone:

Unfortunately so did the weeds, and we spent most of Sunday evening pulling up weeds. Some were almost three feet high! -- not looking very neighbourly at all. ...I can't believe how big our pear tree has grown. It was only planted last year by the city!
We're in the middle of our marriage preparation course. It's two weekends, for three hours each Saturday & Sunday. There's about 30 couples in the course, taking place at the Catholic Family Services centre at Yonge and Summerhill. The course is okay. Heather and I have previously talked about most of the topics, which is good.
My right shoulder improved over the vacation. I now have full mobility without pain, and I'm able to sleep on my right side. However, it was sore after my hockey game on Thursday (we won 2-0), so I went to see the physiotherapist today. He did some tests, and said I just needed to build up strength, but otherwise was okay.
Oh yah, the big news is that I'm playing on the same Ultimate team as cousin John! I joined a new team this summer (with Craig and Maricar) after last season's team fell apart, and John (Fred and Bernice's son) is on the team! I played my first game yesterday, and was looking at the roster before the game. Heather noticed John Callaghan on the list, and because of the 'g' in his name, asked me to ask John if he had relatives in PEI. Turns out he is cousin John!
Our Ultimate team is less skilled than my last team, but it's a lot more fun, which was the main thing I was looking for in a team. Many people are new to the team, and we're still learning how we all play, so we should improve as the season goes on.
Well that's it for now!
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